
Carmina Ortega

I'm Friendly, Kind, Crazy :)) Love my Boyfriend, emotional weee i love chicken and ice cream

31 Facts about me
1. When i was 6 i always skip the school
2. I'm Crying when watching Sad Movies
3. I cut my nails every two days
4. I love eating Chocolate
5. I'm Afraid to lose a friend
6. I'm afraid of the dark
7. I'm Afraid of heights
8. I Bite my nails when i'm nervous
9. I don't know how to Cook
10. I love singing and Dancing
11. I HATE Math
12. I want to be a billionaire
13. I hate talking in front of many people
14. I HATE tomatoes
15. My Blood type is AB
16. as a child my favorite cartoon character was Ariel "the little mermaid" >.<
17. I Can't decide on my own
18. I am Clumsy
19. I enjoy staring at the stars
20. My Favorite color is blue
21. i don't want to be drunk >.<as in i don't want to...because everytime i do...i always say that i lost my hands and i have no feet no more ^^ and i will talk and talk and talk ... ♥
22. Cheerful ako and always smiling
23. think positive...and never give up :)) yan ang laging nasa isip ko pag-ngpapanic ako :))
24. no one touches my pillow :))
25. i can drop my cellphone 6 times a day :))
26. I Lie sometimes...but mostly i tell truths♥
27. if i say i love you...i really do :))
28. i'm honest
29. i'm so sensitive and emotional
30. i can only love one person :))

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