
Marwan Alkhaja

Website: https://marwanalkhaja.com/

Address: United Arab Emirates

Marwan Alkhaja is an extreme hobbyist from the United Arab Emirates. Alkhaja takes his love of comic books to the extreme with his massive collection worth over Dh1 million (over $272,000 USD). His comic book obsession started with a Batman comic he bought at a supermarket when he was a teenager, and just like that, he was hooked. Marwan Alkhaja is now the owner of a 1930s edition of Archie comics, the first Ninja Turtles book, the first edition of the Archie’s Girls Betty and Veronica, and the first edition of the Harry Potter series, along with many other highly valuable comics. Alkhaja displays some of his comics around his house, and keeps some of them in a safe, but says none of them are for sale.

# Marwan Alkhaja, # Collectibles

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