
Kirsty Macdonald

ME MYSLEF AND I Hey I'm Kirsty...derrr you probs know that by now,I collect rubber ducks :D,WANTS TO BE A VAMPIRE BUT IS SCARED OF THE SIGHT OF BLOOD, I'm extremely random I say sorry way to much I have a sorry jar I like meeting new people, Go to Solihull College - Art and Design 1st Diploma, HATE HARRY POTTER...really want to smash Daniel Radcliffe's face in :D, LOVE MCFLY,TWILIGHT, spend most my time in Pigeon when in town, tbh only brummies will know what pigeon is unless you put pigeon park in google llol I'm 17 5"6ish, 9/10/92 Blonde Hair Blue eyes,Ugly,Fat,Retarded at times,Perv at times lol, you have to be careful with what you say to me seems i make innuendos out of anything innocent ;), i want to learn how to speak in turkish but can already say hello how are you and can fuck off you bastard

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