Helena Marais
Helena Marais is a multi-faceted person that thrive on inspiration, creativity and diversity. Her love for Digital Design started in 2010 just after she published her first children’s book, Frikkie die Vlooi. She decided to paint digitally in order to produce her next books as an electronic book.
She find inspiration in anything!... people every day happenings, anything that catch her eye and hold the potential for a new painting. Her photography is another outlet for her need for inspiration at times. When she feel stuck and uninspired, she would take up her camera and go out in nature or for a walk to take pictures of anything that catch her eye even rocks, textures etc. Much of these pictures end up in her art as well, or are inspiration for it.
Her work has been accepted into the following exhibitions in the in the United States. Two of her photographs were also accepted into an exhibition in Paris, France, and exhibited in the Louvre. See website
She is also a Shaman, Druid, Energy Healer, Reiki master and teacher. Something that is very important to her as a person.
She believes that living should not be confined in borders. Anything is possible, and all things should be explored, as in exploration we find our true self. We should live true to our soul and purpose for our path, and not let anything stand in our way. What you believe shall come to pass.
10 Tarnmuster
Springpinsel für Freiheit (25 Set Pinsel)
5 Haut Retouching Aktionen
Fire & Flame Brushes (Promo)
Stolz Irische Bürsten
Japanische Gegenstände und Blumen Pinsel
Max Resulotion Beliebte japanische Symbolbürsten
Croc Texturen
Bubble Brush - Outsourcing Web Design
Skyline Bürsten
10 Spinnennetzbürsten!
Arty Shrew's Skalen Pinsel
Arty Shrew's Whiskers Pinsel
Gebackene Erde Texturen
Nahtlose grüne Gras Texturen
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Marmor Madness Texturen
Gebrochene Schlamm Textur
Zusammenfassung Glas Aktion
Symetric Mind 004 Bürsten
Spuck Pinsel 2
Fantasy Schwerter
Freie Beton- und Zementtexturen
8 Sonnenbürsten
Raum Stock Hintergrund
Stone Beach - Nizza, Frankreich
Fire Photoshop Bürsten
Tätowierung Grenzen
Native American Bürsten
Chinesische Symbole