Advanced Photoshop Brush Techniques Video Tutorial by Axeraider70
Xavier Durand-Hollis Jr. aka Axraider70 is one of the most popular members of the Brusheezy community. The advanced techniques he uses to create his brushes are some of the most sought after within the community and judging by the comments on his profile, there is clearly a lot of interest. His brushes alone are approaching close to 3 million downloads and he is the second most popular member of our community out of over 375k user accounts.
His brush sets have also been featured in multiple print publications such as Photoshop Creative Magazine and Advanced Photoshop Magazine.
Today we're excited to share with you a video tutorial where Xavier shows us the techniques he used to created some of his most stunning brush sets! The video is over 18 minutes long so go grab a cup of coffee and sit back and relax. It will be time well spent if you're interested in learning how to expand your skill set with these awesome effects.
You can view more of Xaviers work at his DeviantArt page or at his website
Additional Resources:
Glow Tutorial
Link to Ultimate Pack 5
CS3 Photoshop Brushes

About the author
Hi! My name is Shawn Rubel and started Eezy Inc. a few years ago. What started as a hobby has now turned into a full time job and I absolutely love what I do :) You can catch me on twitter or just leave me a message below!